14.09.2021 Project


The new building of the German Romanticism Museum in Frankfurt am Main opened on September 14, 2021. Content of the exhibition is a collection on German Romanticism that has been assembled by Freies Deutsches Hochstift over the past 100 years and is unique in the world.

The museum building developed by MÄCKLERARCHITEKTEN offers an exhibition area of ​​around 1,200 square meters and a further 400 square meters for temporary exhibitions. The building owner of the museum is the municipal housing association ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING.

The three special features of the building at Hirschgraben in Frankfurt are:

  • To protect the sensitive exhibits from UV radiation as a museum without windows and to develop a street facade on Hirschgraben independently of this
  • As a museum at Hirschgraben in the neighbourhood of the rebuilt Goethe-Haus to strengthen this cultural heritage in terms of urban planning
  • To take up the idea of ​​Romanticism as a museum building

Photo overview: Alexander Paul Englert /
Photo text: Eckhart Matthäus